Content Management System For Schools / Colleges

Feature Quick Description
1 Base Package Includes the things required to get you up and running.
2 Student / Parent Profiles Students and parents can also log into the site and see all the information talked about below.
3 Student Attendance Teachers / students can take / view student attendance.
4 Student Result Teachers / students can add / view result, datesheet, report card, compiled sheet, etc
5 SMS / Email Service School can send SMS or Email campaigns to students, parents and teachers.
6 Timetable (Simple) School can upload timetables for classes as .doc, .pdf, etc that parents / students can view.
7 Timetable (Advanced) School can add lecture wise timetable along with substitutions.
8 Events School can add any events that students participate in along with photos.
9 Content Website The school content website for users that don't log in.
10 Assignments Assignment for students along with a due date that students / parents can view online.
11 Student Profile Pictures School can upload students' profile pictures to their profile.
12 Price List

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Base Package

The Base Package includes the following:

  1. Any number of schools that share same base data like exams, datesheet, branding, classes, etc. Ideally for different branches of one school.
  2. User Profiles have different capabilities and privileges. Students, Teachers, Moderators and Administrators in increasing order of influence. It is also possible to give particular privileges to particular people. Like giving whiteboard privilege to person X, or ability to edit student data to person Y.

    Teachers, moderators and administrators can log into the system while students and parents cannot. The system also allows students and their parents to log into the website to see their data like result, homework, attendance, notfications, assignments, timetable, etc with the Student / Parent Profiles feature.

  3. Student Profiles, including student data management. Student data includes but is not limited to…
    • Details like name, address, email, date of birth, parents names, phone numbers, blood group, reservation category, aadhar number, admission date, etc.
    • The above list is dynamic, so schools can add as many student, teacher or parent data columns as they wish without any involvement from the site admin (me).
    • Student morning and evening transportation routes along with driver and contractor name and number.
    • Student's house, club or any other participation media.
    • The classes student attended along with starting and ending date and optional/elective subjects (if any).
    • The class data is saved historically, so school can also view their student's data in previous sessions.
  4. Teacher Profiles, including student data and class management.
    • Same details as the student plus qualification, designation, etc.
    • The list of columns is dynamic again so school can add as many columns as they wish.
    • Teacher profile pictures that can be optionally shown on the school's faculty page or to parents/student that log into the site.
    • The classes taught by the teacher along with optional/elective/class teacher markers.
    • The class data is saved historicaly, so teachers can also view their class's data in previous sessions.
  5. Many different printouts for the data talked about above:
    • Class Details: A class wise list of student along with their profile data that listed above.
    • Teacher Details: A school wise list of teachers along with their profile information listed above.
    • Teacher Classes: A school wise list of teachers along with the classes they teach and are class teacher of.
    • Student Strength: A school wise list of classes along with the number of students in each section, boys, girls and total.
    • Phone Number Details: A class wise list of students along with their parents name and phone numbers.
    • Left Student: A school or class wise list of students that have left the school in any session.
    • Reservation Category list: A school or class wise list of students that belong to any given reservation category.
    • Transportation List: A list of all the buses along with their numbers, driver and contractor names and phone numbers.
    • House / Club / Family Lists: A list of all the students in any selected house, club or family class wise or for entire school.
    • Apart from these, new ones can be added as requested and feasible.
  6. School Planner can be used to mark school's holidays and any events that are happening in the school. The planner is visible to students, parents and teachers who log in. The same planner is then also used in attendance, timetable, datesheet and result parts of the system.
  7. Homework that teachers can add to their assigned classes and students can view online. It also includes a dashboard that moderators can use to see at glance what homework was given by what teacher class and section wise.
  8. Automatic generation of certificates that use the site's stored data. Schools can create any kind of template automatically generate any certificate for any student using the data in the system. Some examples of certificates that can be automaticaly generated are: Character Certificate, Transfer Certificate, Bonafide Certificate, etc.
  9. A Whiteboard that can be used to show customised messages to students, parents or teachers.
  10. Automated alerts that point out irregularities in student/teacher data like incomplete class information, invalid phone numbers, unassigned teachers, etc.
  11. A list of transportation mediums like buses with driver and/or contractor name and phone number that can be assigned to students to keep and official record of student's transportation details.
  12. Privileges can be assigned to individual users for any of the site's features to control who has access to what feature of the site.

Note Website hosting is not included in the base package. Hosting costs will vary on school by school basis according to any website they already have and would like to use.

Student / Parent Profiles

With this feature students and their parents will also be able to log into the website. Every student can have any number of parent profiles attached to them. Parents have access to certain information about the student.

Student Attendance

Teachers can take daily attendance of students and students, parents and teachers can view monthly reports class and student wise. In a little more detail:

The feature also includes following printout sheets:

Student Result

The system is optimized for CBSE schools but it can be adopted to used in any kind of examination enviornment including other boards, colleges, institutes etc. The feature includes the following:

The feature also includes following printout sheets:

SMS / Email Service

This feature lets you send campaign messages in bulk to parents and / or students of any selection criterion (like class, school, session, etc) through Email and / or SMS messages. SMS charges are not included in the feature cost and will be extra based on usage. Currently only promotional messages are supported.

The feature also includes following:

Note: Emails can often be ignored / go to junk or spam and promotional SMS messages are not delivered to numbers that have DND activated.

Timetable (Simple)

This is a simpler version of timetable that has far less features but is functional in it's own way.

Timetable (Advanced)

Note: This feature is still in the development phase. The following is the description of how the final product is expected to behave. The final product will almost certainly be a little different. A working prototype is ready and can be requested for preview.

This feature will let the school define a weekly timetable. Concerned teachers, students and parents can view their own personal timetable on the site as well.


The events feature allows moderators to publish any events that take place in the school or that school participates in. It includes the following features:

Content Website

This includes the front end content website that will be visible to the parents.


Moderators or class teachers can also upload assignments with a due date for any class.

Student Profile Pictures

This is listed as a separate feature because storing photos for every student takes up extra server space and is hence charged extra. Teacher profile pictures are however free and included in the base package.

Some key points

Price List

Feature First Year Second Year Onwards
Base Package ₹15,000 ₹10,000
Student / Parent Profiles ₹10,000 ₹3,000
Student Attendance ₹10,000 ₹3,000
Student Result ₹30,000 ₹10,000
SMS / Email Service ₹10,000 ₹2,000
Timetable (Simple) ₹5,000 ₹1,000
Timetable (Advanced) ₹20,000 ₹5,000
Events ₹5,000 ₹2,000
Content Website ₹5,000 ₹1,000
Assignments ₹5,000 ₹1,000
Student Profile Pictures ₹2,000 ₹2,000